Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014 (trackday canceled)

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Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014 (trackday canceled)

Post by cyber »

Gets kind of repetitive..:) to copy and paste from previos years event.

Hello again. It is THAT time of year again, when sea is covered with ice and only good way to exploit this, is to organize :

Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Time: 15-16 February 2014

Again, Haapsalu. But this time track is in different place and different configuration. Old place is not used any more, because one old dude started to whine about pollution and noise etc..:(

For the night, Promenaadi hotel again, as before.
Prices 25€ per person, contains track, soup, sauna and room for the night, as usual.

Information will be updated later. Topic in ESK forum is here. By now half of required people is already signed up, so chances are very good for event!

Agenda: Just like last year.
10:00 Arrivals, check-in
10:30 Sign up for rally, instructions
11:00 free practice, for everyone, not only rally participants, but others not so brave aswell
13-14:00 Start of rally, timed laps
17:00 End of rally
18:00 Start of evening events, Soup etc
20:00 Prize ceremony
21:00 Sauna
03:00 good night (of course, if you are still in middle of peace talks of Middle-East, you can continue, but quietly)

08:00-10:30 Breakfast
11:30 check-out

Payment to "MTÜ Eesti Saabiklubi"
IBAN: EE232200221034963675

EDIT 2 : Trackday is canceled due to warm weather. Event will be helpd, but ehat exactly will we do there, will be clarified by tomorrow (13.02)
Last edited by cyber on Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by lawyer »

Very nice! Count me in! :twisted:

Hei, tauta! Saorganizējam kārtīgu desantu pie ziemeļu brāļiem! :twisted:

No pagājušās reizes palikušas tikai tās labākās atmiņas - atvilkt varēja līdz nemaņai (līdz bāka tukša), un pēc tam burziņš arī bija labu labais! :roll:
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Yukki »

Šis ir notikums, ko gaidīju jau no pagājušā gada!
Lai gan tieši tajā dienā man 19:00 offic jābūt Rīgā, domāju, kā izgrozīties, moška tomēr varu iespēt bez afterparty, 3h atvilkt atpakaļ! Saskaņošu ar ģimeni un došu zināt.
Visiem iesaku, jūra, tā ir štelle visos veidos un gadalaikos!!! Mūsu pagājušā gada reports

p.s.Jāraksta angliski vai pareizi latviski, savādāk grūti igauņiem būs saprast mūs, tāpat kā mums viņus :)
Last edited by Yukki on Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by ZingZeng »

Uh, nekādīgi netieku, man jau 3-4 pasākumi pārklājas.
Braukt gan gribas, bet arī bails, man 2 tuvi draugi šādi slidinoties gāja bojā.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Arnijs »

ZingZeng wrote: Braukt gan gribas, bet arī bails, man 2 tuvi draugi šādi slidinoties gāja bojā.
Izbeidz... Pasākums ir superdrošs. Turpat paralēli (dažus simtus metrus tālāk) darbojas oficiālais ziemas ceļš pa jūru uz salu, un to atver tikai tad, kad ledus biezums ir vairāk kā pietiekošs. Un - nevaru neaizvest Igauņiem kārtējos litrus ar alu "Atreh Perfomance" Uz nopietnām vietām šogad neceru, jo - nav ar ko izpildīties.
Visa elektronika darbojas uz burvju zilajiem dūmiem, kas atrodas tās iekšienē. Tad, kad šie dūmi izlaužas ārpusē, tad arī elektronikai psec.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by ZingZeng »

Man bail no visa veida lediem, es pat baidos jūras malā, kur zinu, ka ir sekls, kāpt uz ledus.
Toreiz ledus arī bija 30cm biezs, bet ne visur :cry:
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by cyber »

First ice road was opened today..:) Not to the islands but a bit closer over the gulf to the other peninsula (from Haapsalu to Noarootsi). Trackmaster said that during the time he has managed this road, he has not seen so good ice conditions. At the moment 22cm of ice everywhere. And its growing, as there is pretty cold outside.

So do not worry about ice thickness. Track will be prepared by specialists.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by lawyer »

I hope that there will be some snow also :roll:

Cyber, one question about accommodation - it is EUR 25 per person, but if somebody goes and sleeps alone, he/she shall pay 2x25 EUR for that double-room?

P.S. Veči, es tā kā šobrīd esmu viens braucējs no famīlijas - ir kāds, kas vēlas kooperēties naktsmītnei, ja tiešām būs tā, kā augstāk rakstīts? Varu ņemt arī otro pilotu :roll:
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by cyber »

As rooms are double, then, if you come alone, prepare for a roommate..:) Or bring your own, who pays for other half..:)
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by lawyer »

Otrs pilots aizrunāts 8)
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Gripen »

Please add Grippen + 1 to the guest list :)
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Gripen »

Please add Egils + 1 to the list :)

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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Arnijs »

Please add my new 9k + good company - two rally drivers (Arnis, Gundars) +2 ( two double rooms) :D
Visa elektronika darbojas uz burvju zilajiem dūmiem, kas atrodas tās iekšienē. Tad, kad šie dūmi izlaužas ārpusē, tad arī elektronikai psec.
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by Yukki »

I do hope to participate +1 9000 (unfortunately without great party and sleepover, since I have to be back in Riga at 19:00).
What is the Agenda, ie when is the first start? How long and what configuration racetrack this new place is?
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Re: Estonian SaabClub Winter Rally 2014

Post by cyber »

I have no exact agenda for now. But I think it will come soon, as we have reached 20 participants limit already, so people will start moving again..:)
Currenty I have no idea about track config..:( It is approximately 2km long, 15-20 metres wide and all ice. But I could not find such nice schema like the old track had..:(
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